TankTrouble Online Competition

Community Gamemodes

These are gamemodes made and submitted by the TankTrouble Community, mostly submitted during the 10th Anniversary of TankTrouble, when there was a special TTOC to determine the 10th Anniversary special gamemode, which Candy Tanks won.

Candy Tanks

By mud

Voted as Limited Edition Gamemode (Played during 10th Anniversary of TankTrouble)

  • Kill your opponent and survive the round with limitations.
  • At the start of every 4 rounds, players must add a guest and check the template to see how many weapons and bullets they can use.
  • Every 4 rounds, guest accounts are to be changed, even if there are ties.
  • When both players state their limitations, they must destroy themselves and start the next round.
  • DURING Seasonal Maze Themes: Redraw. If another appears keep suiciding until a regular maze appears.
  • If an unwanted powerup is in your path, pick it up and dispose of it immediately.
  • If a player picks up the wrong weapon or uses more than the designated amount of bullets they were permitted to use, the opponent receives a free win.
  • First player to 10 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.

Candy Tanks Template

To determine each player's limitations


Retired TTOC Gamemode

  • Hit the Target Square from the Aiming Square.
  • The Referee will select an Aiming Square and a Target Square that are 7 - 15 blocks apart.
  • The first shooter alternates every match.
  • The target should be significantly hard to hit with an average of 6 bounces to hit the target.
  • The players will each take turns aiming for the Target Square from the Aiming Square.
  • The player’s turn begins when they enter the Aiming Square.
  • Players have 20 seconds to aim at the Target Square from anywhere in the Aiming Square as long as their tank is fully inside the square.
  • If a player exceeds the time limit, their turn automatically ends and the Referee will announce the end of the turn in the chat.
  • If the bullet goes through the Target -- Ruled by the Referee -- the Player gets a point. If both players hit the Target Square, both receive a point.
  • Once the first player’s bullet despawns, it is the next player’s turn to aim at the Target.
  • After each player has taken a turn on the same Target, everyone must move to the next maze.
  • If anyone dies to a bullet intended to hit a target, the round will not count and the match continues in the next maze.
  • If a player is showing signs of attempts to sabotage the other player’s shots, they will be immediately eliminated by the Referee
  • First player to at least 5 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.


Retired TTOC Gamemode

  • A battle with only lasers.
  • Both players start with only one laser loaded.
  • Players will start in one of the outer corners of the maze, which they must "claim" by announcing it in chat, while being in the corner with a laser.
  • Players may pick up and use lasers infinitely after the round starts.
  • A round begins when players are in their corners, and Referee tanks are destroyed.
  • First player with at least 15 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.

Houdini's Death Trap

By Raika_TheDestroyer

Roles (Swap each round)

  • Trapped: Player in the dead end trying to escape
  • Hunter: Player trying to kill the Trapped


  • Escape the Death Trap.
  • The Hunter picks their opponent’s Death Trap which is a dead end in the maze, which must be approved by the referee (3+ blocks in dead end).
  • The Trapped must start at the end of the Death Trap.
  • Referee tanks are destroyed to start the round after the Death Trap is set.
  • The Hunter can only shoot three bullets into the Death Tap and can only fire again once the 3 bullets have disappeared, if more are shot the Trapped player receives a free win.
  • The Trapped player can fire as many bullets and weapons as they wish.
  • Weapons can only be picked up by the Killer if they have no bullets in the maze.
  • Regular round: If the Trapped player escapes, the round will not end until one of the players die.
  • Special round: The Trapped player may choose to allow the Hunter to shoot all their bullets into the Death Trap, and if the Trapped player escapes, they automatically receive a win. This must be announced at the start of the round and confirmed by the Referee.
  • Referee must make sure whether the round is Regular or Special and announce before round starts.
  • First player with at least 15 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.

Fight or Flight

By supervolcano


  • Gold player: Player who must collect gold to win.
  • Armed player: Player who must kill Gold player to win.


  • Start in a full corner, claim it in the chat by saying “Claimed”.
  • The referee will select a specific crate to fight over.
  • Collecting gold before the power-up is taken results in a loss.
  • Players only get 5 bullets in total (no reload) unless one picks up a weapon, after using the power-up, players are allowed 1 bullet (infinite reload).
  • Either player can get the power-up, whoever does is the Armed player, and the opponent is the Gold player.
  • If any other power-up is picked up, it must not be used.
  • The Gold player without the extra ammo must then collect all of the gold to win, they can kill the Armed player with their 5 bullets to win as well.
  • The Armed player must stop the Gold player from collecting gold.
  • If the Armed player touches gold, the Armed player loses.
  • If the Gold player collects all gold, then Armed player must suicide.
  • First player with at least 6 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.

Dodge Dodge Revolution

By PeaceToAll

Roles (Swap each round)

  • Dodger: Player who must survive without using weapons for 10 minutes.
  • Hunter: Player who must prevent the Dodger from surviving for 10 minutes.


  • Survive a total of 10 minutes by dodging.
  • Referee tanks are destroyed to start the round.
  • The Dodger has to survive as long as they can while the Hunter does everything possible to kill them
  • No shotguns allowed.
  • Referee will time the survival of each player when they are dodging.
  • The Dodger can not shoot or else they lose the round and the Hunter gets +1 minute to their score.
  • If the Dodger wins the round (Hunter kills themselves) then the Dodger gains +1 minute.
  • First player with 10 minutes of survival wins.


By CoolSolarDrill

  • Kill your opponent while they are out of their territory.
  • Players must find a block in the maze to be their territory. Territories must be 8 blocks apart
  • Once found, they must say “Claimed” while standing in the bottom right block of their territory, thus making it their home base/territory
  • Referee tanks will be destroyed after territories have been claimed to start the round.
  • In their home base, they cannot be killed with any bullet or weapon by the opponent, otherwise it’s a free win.
  • Players cannot remain in their base for more than 5 seconds.
  • Players are allowed to enter their base only 3 times throughout each round.
  • Players cannot enter territory when opponent is inside territory.
  • Any weapon is accessible throughout this game mode, but none should be picked up before the round starts.
  • First player with at least 15 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.

Backward Thinking

By meemee

  • Either kill the opponent or kill yourself with 4 weapons stacked, without moving forward.
  • Players cannot move forward, only backward, turning left and right.
  • A player can win if they kill themselves with a weapon while holding 4 weapons OR kill the opponent in any way possible.
  • The opponent wins the round if the player kills themselves with their own bullets OR kills their opponent with a weapon.
  • The round begins when referee tanks are destroyed.
  • First player with at least 15 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.

King of Weapons

By bangbangshoota

  • Kill the opponent with weapons.
  • Each player must grab 4 weapons.
  • The first player to grab 4 weapons gets to fire all of their equipped weapons at will.
  • If a player does not have 4 weapons, then they must wait until after the opponent uses all four weapons they have.
  • Players cannot use bullets from the original turret.
  • First player with at least 10 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.

One in the Quiver

By 5am

  • Kill your opponent with one bullet at a time.
  • Once a player’s bullet despawns, they may shoot another bullet again.
  • Only one weapon may be picked up and if the player misses their opponent after using all ammo of the weapon and the ammo despawns, the opponent receives a free win.
  • First player to at least 5 wins with a 2 win difference, wins.


By HydroDonkey

  • Kill the opponent while holding forward and back when moving.
  • All weapons allowed.
  • Players must move by only spinning and slowly moving (forward + backward simultaneously), otherwise a free win for the opponent.
  • First player to 5 wins.

Created by


Sponsored by the Developers of TankTrouble


Mads Purup


Brian Bunch Christensen